Science Wars - 02

Nature's advanced social chemistry technology MESSAGE DEMO at Virginia TECH

01/23/2015 16:12
RD-blog-number-4383 by Herb Zinser reviews the chemistry molecular continuum that exists on the EARTH geography surafce and the atmospshere.  The EARTH geography surface  and its chemistry molecular EXPRESSION continuum  can exhibit  social chemistry anger  VIA tragic...

Jeffery Fowle explains the OHIO soybeans and corn ... grain BIN wars

12/17/2014 21:56
RD-blog-number-4101 by Herb Zinser reveiws the EARTH LANGUAGE   wars with farmers, the agriculture industry, and universities over the false and missing MODELS of EARTH LANGUAGE communication systems and Computer Earth system 370  geography LAND (Local Area Netwrok Data),...

Robert Franks and the year 1924 atomic social science murder

12/07/2014 11:09
Rd-blog-number-4160 by Herb Zinser reveiws the year 1924 database of the Robert Franks murder.   Leopold and Loeb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia   Jump to Murder of Robert Franks -...

Brownian motion life of Michael Brown

09/26/2014 09:31
Click on the title to display the full article.   RD-blog-number-3900 by Herb Zinser reviews the atomic, bio-physics messages of Michael Brown from the mathematical-physics message processing ..... geogarphy region of Ferguson, Missouri.   Science wars - Wikipedia, the free...