Base 16 Highway



Let's look at the COMPUTER EARTH system 360 / 370 geography region in southeastern  Wisconsin  ...the region between the computer science departments of the Univeristy of Wisconsin,  Madison ..... the University  of Wisconsin, Milwaukee  and with MSOE bio-computer brains providing OE (Order Entry)  services.


Wisconsin Base 16 Hexadecimal   Highway 16 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State Trunk Highway 16 (often called Highway 16, STH 16 or WIS 16) is a Wisconsin state highway running from Pewaukee across the state to La Crosse.

Update: Women killed in HEX CURSE on Hexadecimal Highway 16 crash identified | Waukesha ...
Sep 9, 2013 - Two women killed Sunday in a bio-computer head-on crash on Highway 16 in Waukesha County are identified.


The super-symmetry physics MIRROR is the copper-wire model that parallels Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theoy application in Wisconsin.


The copper-wire model is the IBM system  360 and the system 370 with the IBM 3380 Model E disk storage.

The geography region includes  Beaver Dam, Wisconsin and Watertown, Wisconsin.


Let's look at  Beaver DAM.


The Computer Earth system 360 TEST of BDAM  bio-computers in the  Beaver Dam, Wisconsin LAND  region (Local Area Network Data)


A  Computer Earth system 360 model is located  at  HIghway 60, Wisconsin  with Base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16, Wisconsin in the BDAM region of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.
Basic direct access method - Wikipedia, the free

Basic Direct Access Method, or BDAM is an access method for IBM's OS/360 and successors computer operating systems on System/360 and later mainframes
Description - ‎Details - ‎Disk addresses - ‎See also

Disk addresses
Disk addresses
The EARTH  .....  Disk addresses are calculated using farm Land.

Base 16 Hex'Fa' 250 --> Fa = Farm.   Thus we see that farm  fields are really  farm DATA FIELDs.

The  the super-symmetry geo-physics parallel to the IBM base 16 disk storage   . . . . . . 

international disks tillage equipment -‎

Permenter Farms & Equipment Phone: (888)377- .... 96 in Width; 8 in Spacing;
IHC # 37 disk, 8 ft., 16" disks, 7 1/2a spacing,; ... David Atkins Farm Equipment.

Thus the math mapping equivalence equation of Nature ..

IHC # 37 disk  <----> IBM system 370 with a 3380 disk storage  
ft.,  <----> 8 data bits

16disks,   <-----> Base 16 hexadecimal

Thus we see that the modern farmer using such equipemnt is really a  computer operator

Thus we see  the FFA ( Future framers of America)  and their bio-computer brain code  . . . . . . . . . .
 base 16 HEX'FF' America --> High-Values America  (255).

Below, International Business Machines system 370 VERSION 
used by 
agriculture humanoids with 37.0 degrees Celsius operating system temperature  .....
that also operate tractors that pull the  TOE theory parallel processing system below.
Thus we have the Computer Earth region of Beaver Dam.

Images for Bdam   wisconsin  information systems map 
Above, we see the components of the EARTH  data processing system in farm country around  the city of BDAM.

We see  Hexadecimal Highway 16 and 26 ....... south of Beaver Dam.

We see the  CLUE of HIghway 60 --> implies system 360

HIghway 33 goes from West Bend to Beaver Dam --> thus the message  -->  IBM information highway 3380 disk  with BDAM  access features at Beaver Dam.

History of IBM magnetic disk drives - Wikipedia, the free

Jump to IBM 3380 - [edit]. IBM 3380 disk drive module.
The IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device was introduced in June 1980. It used new film head ...
Early IBM HDDs - ‎IBM S/360 and other IBM ... - ‎HDDs offered for IBM small systems.

Images for wisconsin road map highway 33 ..

The IBM data is kept on  platters  ....  like a stack of  19  dinner plates   or 19 disks .   Below, is a partial sketch with 3 disks platters.

Wisconsin  information Highway 33 - Wikipedia, the free

(computer earth) Route information ... State Trunk Highway 33 (often called Highway 33, STH 33 or WIS 33) is a Wisconsin state ... It is one of the oldest roads in Wisconsin.
Images for ibm 3380 disk drive -->   drive an automobile on highway 33 for 80 miles to the  BDAM city of bio-computer humans with   human READ HEADS.
Above, we see  the EARTH geography math calculator region known as DODGE Count(y) ... a amath administrative unit within the STATE of Wisconsin.  Looking at the map above ... we see COUNT(Y) Road SS and Road I  . ... an important COMPUTER  EARTH instruction ....

instruction formats‎

When the assembler processes an instruction, it converts the instruction from its ... First we consider
the Storage to Storage Instrcution (SSI) format listed below.
IBM Mainframe Assembler for Programmers - www‎

... link and execute structured assembler programs using the fixed point binary instruction set, ... Read and interpret an assembler listing, and correct diagnostics. ...
 Move instructions - MVN, MVI, MVC, MVZ ...
Addressing using SS instructions
Above we see the instruction SYMBOLS for  SSI by Oak Grove.

We see the information highway 33(80) going into BDAM (Beaver Dam) ... thus the iBM 3380 disk storage equivalence..

We see the CP instruction region ...
  1. [PDF]Ch. 7 Packed Decimal Arithmetic - Bill‎

    Use the CP instruction to compare two packed numbers,. •. Show how the ..... The assembler will give no warning message that this might occur (as would most ..

We see County Highway G .... for the universal gravitational constant  PROCESSING MACHINE.

Nature's GRAVITY  COMPUTER  experiments withnhuman bio-computer is at the world gravity RD site in GREEN BAY, Wisconsin.  The GRAVITY group is the well known G   and its audience of  millions  of  gravity physics fans..

Green Bay Packers - Wikipedia, the free

The Green Bay Packers are an American football team based in Green Bay, ...... The oval "G" logo which stands for the "G" in Green Bay was created in 1961.‎Green Bay, Wisconsin - ‎Lambeau Field - ‎History of the Green Bay Packers - ‎Players
Picture |‎

To read about the name origin of the Green Bay Packers, click here. What's the origin of the Packers' 'G' logo? The Packers have utilized a few different 'official' ...

The team was  formed to do  bio-computer experiments in the PACK instruction.
Above, we see the bio-computer  instruction  execution of SAM Hengel .... a member of a Boy Scout PACK in  Marionette, Wisconsin.  After his execution in  Marionette HIGH SCHOOL  .... he  was  eventually  placed  in a coffin BOXes   and  ROSES were placed in the funeral home.

Thus  the BOY SCOUT organization  can  see  the power of Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  application  of


Other computer science DEMOS  were at  Northern Illinois University, Cole  HALL
(a PACKED classroom of students) ,     6 coffin BOXES with roses 

Virginia TECH university and the BASE 16 hexadecimal battle of brain bio-computer subroutines on  APRIL 16, 2007 with PACKED classrooms .....    resulting in a COBOL word size of  32 boxes   .... with roses.

Returning to BEAVER DAM  ... we see the parallel  to the GREEN BAY Packers.

a) in GREEN Bay we have the GRAVITY computer  logo   G  with the packed decimal gravity data field that intercats with the human brain mass 

b) the super-symmetry   geography region MIRROR is the Beaver Dam  area with component G (County road G)
and  highway CP (Compare packed instruction).

Thus we see that Wisconsin has an interesting data processing  SECRET.


The human brain bio-computer has serious problem.

Function FM - File (DDN) Catalog Maintenance (Administrator)‎

Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM, z/OS only); ... to take place in any thread, thus reducing the overhead of thread- locking all processing to a single thread.

CICS Recovery and Restart Guide -‎

Forward recovery of other (non-VSAM) resources. . . . . . . . . . . 9 ....
Connection failure to a coupling facility lock structure
. .... Basic direct access method (BDAM).

DCB—Construct a Data Control Block (BDAM) -‎

The data control block for a basic direct access method (BDAM) data set is constructed ... Each BDAM DCB parameter description contains a heading, "Source". ..... The error analysis routine must not use the save area pointed to by register 13.

Using COPY as a Device Migration Aid -‎

Stop the COPY after the first I/O error or after 100 errors. Copy basic direct access method (BDAM) data set by relative block or TTR. If you are performing a task ...

Stop the COPY after the first I/O error or after 100 errors.

Stop the COPY after the first I/O error or after 100 errors

Stop the COPY after the first I/O error or after     Water100, Wisconsin  errors

Stop the COPY after the first I/O error or after        B 100 D      errors

Thus in year 2013 ...we see Nature's system signals from BDAM and  PACKED decimal  football  .... and the messages are  ignored 
Now let's look at Watertown, Wisconsin and Hexadecimal Highway 16.
Above, the highway 16 bypass is shown. The orginal highway 16 still goes thru the downtown BUSINESS district of Watertown.
In other words ...the data BUS --> BUS -->  of BUSINESS.
In additon, the old highway 16  and highway E   met on the east side to Watertown 
County ROAD E is important because it goes to Pipersville   ... hence, County Road E is a COMPUTER EARTH  data pipeline.
This is the earth geography parallel  MIRROR to the IBM 3380 Model E



Data Pipelines: Enabling Large Scale Multi-Protocol Data Transfers
by T Kosar - ‎2004 - ‎Cited by 9 - ‎Related articles

In this work, we propose data pipelines, an automated sys- tem for transferring data among collaborating sites. It speaks mul- tiple protocols, has sophisticated ...



Data Pipelines: Enabling Large Scale Multi-Protocol Data Transfers


Data Pipelines: Enabling Large Scale Multi-Protocol Data Transfers


Data Pipelines: Enabling Large Scale EARTH .... EARTH  Multi-Protocol Data Transfers


Images for data pipeline


Images for data pipeline 
between Base 16 Highway (East Main Street)   and Pipersville



Images for ibm 3380 model E


Images for ibm 3380 model E



IBM 3380 Model E



IBM 3380 direct access storage device


The extended capability models had the same relative arrangement of tracks and cylinders as standard models, allowing customers to expand their current 3380 storage subsystems.


had the same relative arrangement of tracks 

had the same relative arrangement of tracks 

had the same relative arrangement of tracks 

had the same relative arrangement of tracks ................... rail-road tracks ....


Wisconsin lands $800 million for high-speed rail › NewsPolitics

Jan 28, 2010 - Wisconsin will receive more than $800 million to build a high-speed rail line carrying passengers between Milwaukee and Madison at 110 mph ...



Thus we see .... Beaver Dam (BDAM) and Highway 33  + the $800 signal  --> implies Nature's   3380 disk storage to be located at COUNTY E and Highway 16 in Watertown handle the bio-computer intellectual E = ERRORS of the Watertown and Beaver Dam citizens.



 relative arrangement of tracks and cylinders as standard models

 relative arrangement of tracks and cylinders as standard models

 relative arrangement of tracks and cylinders as standard models  .... thus we see EARTH systems with rail-road tranks and   farmers  corn and  soybean STORAGE bins ....  STORAGE bins --> data STORAGE binary systems  ..... the super-symmetry existential physics parallel  to the IBM 3380 Model E.



Images for Computer World Magazine

Above, we see BrookFIELD  --> code FIELD ---> with data FIELD

The rail-road tracks are approximately parallel to highway 16  ... in many streches of the highway between Oconomowoc and Watertown.

In addition, the rail-road tracks pass thru the EARTH astrophysics  communications HUB known as Hubbleton ... well-known for its HUBBLE project  super-symmetry parallel to astronomy telescopes.   Hubbleton has  county Road G and its gravitational lensing telescope abilities to SEE and UNDERSTAND many earthly events and happenings.

Thus the rail-road project was a message about something going on ... at a deeper level of REALITY.


Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


RR format - IBM

High Level Assembler for z/OS & z/VM & z/VSE V1R6 (HLASM V1R6) Language ... The operand fields of RR-format instructions designate two registers, with the ...



Meet the Secretary | Department of Transportation


Meet the Secret . ...| Department of Transportation


Meet the Secret  Department › Mission
Jul 15, 2013 - Main menu. About DOT · Our Activities · Areas of Focus · Mission · Who We Are ... Biography · Secretary Lahood. Share. Web Policies & Notices



The rail-road parallel to HEX Highway 16.






Secretary Lahood | Department of Transportation


Secret       Lahood | Department of Transportation


Secret       LaB  hood | Department of Transportation


Secretary La = Load Address
Under the leadership of Secretary Ray LaHood, the U.S. Department of Transportation has continued its commitment to making the U.S. transportation systems ...




United States Secretary of Transportation - Wikipedia, the free ...
The post was created with the formation of the Department of Transportation on October ... On January 23, 2009, the sixteenth secretary Ray LaHood took office, ...


 the sixteenth secretary Ray LaHood

 the sixteenth secretary Ray LaHood

 the BASE 16 hexadecimal sixteenth secretary  LaHood, Ray --> assembler language intials LR 


Mainframe Assembler - Bill Qualls
For completeness, we mention here that the load register instruction (LR) copies the value of one register (the second operand) to another register (the first ...



the load register instruction (LR) copies

the load register instruction (LR) copies

the load register instruction (LR) copies

the load register instruction (LR) copies --> Nature's  human bio-computer DEMO copy LaHOOD, Ray


with the COMPUTER EARTH system 370  RR instruction using the geography Rail-Road tracks demo.


The SYMBOL MACHINE  message ...........




Cabinet shuffle: LaHood to leave Department of Transportation ...



The Celestial Railroad   and the Department of  Transportation of brain thoughts and concepts
Jul 4, 2013 - The Celestial Railroad. Not a great while ago, passing through the gate of dreams, I visited that region of the earth in which lies the famous city ...


passing through the gate of dreams

passing through the gate of dreams

passing through the gate of dreams ..... with Robert Gates and his military  brain logic gates TEST



 I visited that region of the earth ( Southeastern Wisconsin) in which lies the famous city ...




Cabinet shuffle: LaHood to leave Department of Transportation ...



Cabinet shuffle: LaHood to leave Department of Trans

Cabin fever shuffle: brain LaB  Hood to leave Department of Trance


Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...


Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages‎

Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...


The brain   SYMBOL ENGINEERING battle at FORT HOOD  with the Department of Defense failure to provide brain defense  against intellectual nonsense by DARPA,  the UNiversity of Texas, Austin  and TEXAS A&M --> brain ACCESS METHOD problems in
their SKULL bio-computer sysmbol processors of the English languages, math equations, and biochemsitry diagrams, etc.





Thus we have the Wisconsin mystery about  SECRETS ..... the computer Science experiments in gravity with the GREEN BAY PACKERS,  the  accidental murder of Base 16 hexadecimal member  Matt Anderson of the Future Farmers of American  ..HEX --> 'FF'A  code errors,  the BOY SCOUT experiment  death  of SAMPLE SPACE member SAM Hengel by the PACK instruction, etc.


Thus you have a few CLUES to several inter-related puzzles.



Celestial Railroad Allegory by Nathaniel Hawthorne - Gospel Web

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Allegory on the Heavenly Railway, first published as a little booklet, a spin-off from Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress'. It shows the vast ...




Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel‎

Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...


the Heavenly Railway

the Heavenly Railway

the Heavenly Railway  .............



Wisconsin lands $800 million for high-speed rail › NewsPolitics

Jan 28, 2010 - Wisconsin will receive more than $800 million to build a high-speed rail ... serve as the building blocks for a 110-mph service along that route.



Hence,  the  preception problems with  language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.


Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...

Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel‎




GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.




Ladder of Abstraction